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Why You Might Need an Engineered Flooring Solution

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There is nothing quite like the appearance of a wooden floor. A wooden floor, when it is laid properly, offers a sense of style and permanence that is hard to beat. While traditional solid wood flooring looks great, it does have certain problems such as contracting or expanding when exposed to different environmental conditions and comes at a higher cost than other flooring solutions. One of the most effective ways to avoid the worst of these problems is to make your preference engineered flooring rather than solid wood. Here are three reasons that an engineered wood floor could be the right solution for your home.

A Durable Solution

One of the biggest advantages of engineered oak flooring or any other type of engineered floor is durability. Unlike a carpet or some other types of flooring, a wooden floor should last for many years before it needs to be replaced. With traditional wooden floors, their lifetime can sometimes be shortened when they face damage in areas such as kitchens. It is in these situations that you should make your preference engineered flooring. An engineered floor contains multiple material layers under the wooden veneer, which creates a more stable material that will outlive other flooring options with the ability to contract or expand during use.

Value for Money

When considering wooden flooring, you must consider the cost of the product over it's expected lifetime. You could certainly buy a new carpet for less than the cost of a wooden floor, but the carpet will be worn out and require replacement many years before the flooring will start to show signs of wear. Costs for all types of wooden floors will depend on the type of wood you want to use. You might find that an engineered floor costs slightly more than a solid wood floor, but since engineered floors are quicker to lay you could recover that cost on installation charges.

Minimal Maintenance

A tired-looking floor that has seen better days will soon make your entire room take on a worn appearance. Engineered wooden floors need very little care to keep them looking great. Removing dust and dirt with a brush or vacuum cleaner should be sufficient. For more 'stuck-on' dirt, a damp cloth can be used. If your floor does eventually pick up a few scuff marks then it is possible to have the surface of the floor sanded down and refinished to create a brand new surface without the expense of installing a new floor.

If you're ready to boost the look and comfort in your home, consider preference engineered flooring today.

