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Why Synthetic Grass Is The Best Choice For Dog Owners

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If you own a dog, you'll be only too aware of the havoc that your beloved pet can wreak on your lawn, especially if he enjoys digging and burying things.  That's where synthetic grass can come to your rescue.  Read on to find out more.

Dogs and lawns – a bone of contention

In addition to using your lawn as a toilet, the damage inflicted by a cavorting canine's claws can be catastrophic on the delicate grass plants.  Add to this a little digging and other doggy deconstruction activities, and you're left with a threadbare dustbowl in summer or a quagmire in winter, much of which ends up on your carpets via your pet's paws. 

Dogs are also inclined to nibble on long grass, an activity that invariably causes them to vomit, often inside your house.  Grass can also harbour creatures such as snails and slugs, both of which carry lungworm, a potentially dangerous parasite that could be ingested by a curious hound were it to snack on one of these malingering molluscs.

The benefits of synthetic grass for dog owners

Synthetic grass is fantastic for dogs and their owners.  The material used to manufacture the 'turf' is very robust and won't be damaged by claws if your dog enjoys running around in the garden.  Artificial turf is laid in strips like carpeting, usually over a strong underlay.  The underlay not only prevents weeds from growing through, it also keeps slugs and snails out and is impossible for even the most determined hound to dig through.

If you have your grass replaced with synthetic turf, your dog won't have to be shut indoors because you have to fertilise the grass, mow it or put weedkiller down, as none of these jobs are necessary with an artificial lawn.

Because artificial grass is fully permeable, your dog's urine will drain through the surface and underlay to dissipate through the soil beneath.  Unlike real grass, the acid contained in female dog's urine won't scorch the turf, so your lawn will stay lush and green all year round.  When it comes to your dog's other toilet requirements, simply pick up any faeces and remove them from the lawn, then rinse the area clean with a solution of household disinfectant.

The routine maintenance of the hygiene of your synthetic grass is very easy.  All you have to do is apply a proprietary artificial lawn cleaning product once a week or so and then rinse the lawn off using your garden hose.  This keeps the surface free from any bacteria and leaves it odour-free.

In conclusion

If you own a dog and also want to enjoy your lawn, replacing the natural turf with synthetic grass could be the solution you've been looking for.  Have a chat with your local supplier for more information and a quote.
